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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Hot Beverage Condiment Kit Task

Providing vocational tasks helps students to feel confident in their abilities by learning different types of occupations and the skills basic to those jobs. We provide a variety of tasks in our classroom to help give students confidence in their abilities and to learn how to manage time, follow direction, and focus on the tasks at hand.

The hot beverage task is one that touches on fine motor and math skills including counting, visual instruction, sorting, and assembly. I purchased a few small containers from the dollar store to hold the separate items to be assembled and various products to place in the baggies. The student follows a visual schedule which shows what each bag will hold and the number of bags they are to make. The students separate the items into the containers counting out how many items they will need to make the number of bags they are instructed to make. When they are done we check them for accuracy.

This task can be modified and made to be a sorting task only by placing one of each of the items in the containers and the student then places the same items in the containers. Two students can work together on this task by having one sort out the items and the other placing them in the bags. This helps with their socialization skills as well.

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