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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Salad Sequence Task

Salad sequence is a food preparation task for learning a life skill.

If you would  like to purchase these original task cards please go to:

Friday, June 28, 2013

Community Helper Match

A file folder matching task that helps with visual recognition, matching and fine motor skills.

To download a copy please go to:

Interactive Farm Story

Life on the Farm is an interactive story that is easy to read and students match visuals to each page. To purchase please go to:

Making Breakfast Task Cards

Breakfast sequence cards to help teach meal preparation. To purchase card download please go to my store at:

Making A Salad Task

Making a salad task is a great life skill task showing the student how to put together a salad using step by step directions. This task helps with following directions and fine motor skills.

If you like this task and would like to purchase the download to make your own, please visit my store at the following site:

Feeding Pets Task

This is a fun task that introduces taking care of pets. I made some visual boards with several pictures of a dog and cat, six animals to each board. I then found a visual of a feeding bowl and copy/pasted them in front of the animals. After printing the sheets I glued them to card stock making a slit in the printed visuals of the food bowls. This is so the food can be placed in the bowls like shown in the photo below. Instead of just placing the sardines and bones in the bowl by the animals at random, I provide a dice and the student rolls to see how many pieces of each food item the animal gets.

This is a task that the students enjoy and it helps with their fine motor and math skills as well. They use tweezers to place the food in the bowls.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Laundry Day Sequence Task

Doing the laundry is a life skill students are familiar with and need to learn to become more independent. Check out my new real photo sequence card samples below.  For more cards and projects go to my TpT store.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Grocery Isle/Product Match

Navigating the grocery store is a great life skill task. For this task I took pictures of the isle signs at one of our local grocery stores. I then made several images of products you find in all of the isles. The student lays out the images of the signs and then matches the products to the isle they think they would locate them in.

Friday, June 14, 2013

TpT Newbie

Hey Everyone!

I just wanted to let you know I will still be posting tasks but have decided to start a new venture. I have decided to join the ranks of many wonderful teachers and create some new tasks and worksheets on Teachers Pay Teachers. I am excited about sharing some new ideas for download and hope that you will continue to follow me on Pinterest and soon at TpT.

I will be creating life skill and vocational tasks as well as basic core subject material for special needs. There will also be some great online lessons for the rooms using technology. I will continue to share the same type of photo visual tasks as I come up with new and revised ideas on my blog as well as Pinterest.

See you soon at TpT! Until then here is a great matching task for learning the basics.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Chore/Product Matching Task

Doing chores is a life skill task that students can benefit from. It also is a great conversational task to learn what they are responsible for at home or how they can help at home. I made a board with squares on them for a guide that the students place the chores and the products used to do those chores on. I also placed pieces of magnet on the board and the visuals. They place three of the chores from the choices I made onto the board and then select the items used to complete those chores. After they make their choices we check their work then they do another set.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Grocery Ad Task

Learning to find products in a grocery ad is a life skill that is easily adjusted for various learning levels. It can be a matching task or a good math task adding lists and counting out money. I made copies of a computer generated local store ad that includes several pages. Before I laminated everything I made an additional copy of the ad for matching items. I cut out several items (item only...not showing price) I also made a blank list for the students to write down the name of the products and the cost of each.
How we use: Give the students 10 items to find in the ad. When the student finds the matching picture they write down the name of the item the way the ad shows and it's cost. After finding all 10 items they total up the amount needed to purchase the items. We have copies of bills and coins in our room so we have them count out the amount needed.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Hot Beverage Condiment Kit Task

Providing vocational tasks helps students to feel confident in their abilities by learning different types of occupations and the skills basic to those jobs. We provide a variety of tasks in our classroom to help give students confidence in their abilities and to learn how to manage time, follow direction, and focus on the tasks at hand.

The hot beverage task is one that touches on fine motor and math skills including counting, visual instruction, sorting, and assembly. I purchased a few small containers from the dollar store to hold the separate items to be assembled and various products to place in the baggies. The student follows a visual schedule which shows what each bag will hold and the number of bags they are to make. The students separate the items into the containers counting out how many items they will need to make the number of bags they are instructed to make. When they are done we check them for accuracy.

This task can be modified and made to be a sorting task only by placing one of each of the items in the containers and the student then places the same items in the containers. Two students can work together on this task by having one sort out the items and the other placing them in the bags. This helps with their socialization skills as well.