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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Providing Choice in the Classroom

Providing choice in the classroom gives opportunity for active learning and engages the student during the learning process. Engaging students helps to increase attention and focus and motivates the student to a higher level of critical thinking.

Active learning promotes student participation and offers other choices in areas such as hands on activities and reinforcement tasks. Offering these choices helps students to recall lessons, work independently to improve a needed skill, or work with a peer buddy to complete a task.

Here are three of our products that work well in centers as well as independent and transition tasks.

Ten Happy Hens
Ten Happy Hens Story BundleA story bundle that can be used for a farm theme and helps early learners with counting from 1-10, rhyme, and matching.

Lunchroom Matching Tasks
Lunchroom Matching Tasks
A product to help students with image to word recognition and has a school lunch theme.

Binder Matching and Stocking Tasks Bell Ink Cafe
This product is a great independent task to help students learn stocking recognition skills and matching with a coffee theme.

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