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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

End of 2016 Sale

It is so hard to believe 2016 is coming to a close. As the year ends we would like to thank you for following us and would like to share that we are having an end of the year sale in all three of our stores December 29th-31st.
Adaptive Tasks by Dianne Matthews, Education with Imagination, CC's Classroom Creations

We wish you a happy and blessed new year!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Cyber Sale!

Join us for the site wide TpT Cyber Sale Monday and Tuesday. Our stores will be offering 20% off along with an additional savings provided by TpT for a total of 28% discount!

Don't forget to use code cyber2016 at checkout for the additonal TpT savings.

Happy Shopping!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Helping Students with Needs Gain Independence

Helping students gain independence is such a rewarding area of teaching and can not be emphasized enough. Having worked with students in the area of life skills and vocational skills was both rewarding and a blessing. There is nothing like seeing a student being shy about taking on a specific task, not showing any confidence in performing said task, then seeing their excitement when they accomplish it.

So many times students with needs feel that they can not step up to certain challenges that are presented to them. Many of the students I had the opportunity to work with were not given certain chances to do things because they were always done for them.

Some times it is easier for a parent to do everything for their children and it is because they love them and they are doing their best to take care of them. As the child grows, they need to be presented with certain challenges to see just what they are capable of. A parent knows best what their child's abilities and limits are, so it is important to work together with care givers and teachers to come up with ideas to challenge their child and help them to learn in various areas of their life.

One example that comes to mind is a student who would bring his lunch everyday. We would go to the cafeteria and he would ask if I would open his sandwich bag, and get everything set out for him so he could eat. I did this a time or two but felt like he was very capable of doing more for himself. I asked him one day if he ever helped pack his lunch and he said, "I don't know how." Talking with the parent we felt that this is something that could be added to his IEP and would help with following directions, provide visual aid and would help with his fine motor skill.

I took on the challenge of coming up with a way to help this student learn about packing lunches and creating a meal that he could help with to bring to school. For practice we worked with my Packing Lunches product.

As you can see in preview, there are visual cards for five days of lunches with visual and written instruction on how to put together each days sandwich and what to pack with it. The images are real so that it gives a life like experience.

LIFE SKILL - Packing LunchesThe student worked with this product for a period of about two weeks and he said each time, "Making sandwiches is fun!" He made sure that he helped make his lunches from then on and actually enjoyed his lunches more because he helped mom make them!

This is just one example of many that I will share in the coming months. To see the excitement of a student accomplishing a task that we ourselves might think is a simple one is such a reward. It just takes time, patience, and most of all giving them a chance to see what they are capable of. This task provided an opportunity for him to learn and helped aid in a special bonding time spent with mom creating lunches together. :)

Thursday, November 10, 2016

When Does the Learning Process Begin

The learning process begins even before birth. Babies learn while in the womb about taste, sight, smell, sound, and movement. Babies don't just lay in wait to be born, they begin their new life having started the learning process. Once babies are born it is important to keep the learning process going by bonding with them and lots of interactive time as they begin to grow, develop, and learn more than you could ever imagine.

Here is a wonderful article from Early Childhood Education that helps to explain more about the importance of early interaction and how you can take advantage of every moment with your child, helping them learn even during playtime.



Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Providing Choice in the Classroom

Providing choice in the classroom gives opportunity for active learning and engages the student during the learning process. Engaging students helps to increase attention and focus and motivates the student to a higher level of critical thinking.

Active learning promotes student participation and offers other choices in areas such as hands on activities and reinforcement tasks. Offering these choices helps students to recall lessons, work independently to improve a needed skill, or work with a peer buddy to complete a task.

Here are three of our products that work well in centers as well as independent and transition tasks.

Ten Happy Hens
Ten Happy Hens Story BundleA story bundle that can be used for a farm theme and helps early learners with counting from 1-10, rhyme, and matching.

Lunchroom Matching Tasks
Lunchroom Matching Tasks
A product to help students with image to word recognition and has a school lunch theme.

Binder Matching and Stocking Tasks Bell Ink Cafe
This product is a great independent task to help students learn stocking recognition skills and matching with a coffee theme.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Literacy and Follow-up Activities

The ability to read and write is associated with everything we do. Literacy is essential for developing a strong sense of well-being and citizenship. Children who develop strong reading skills perform better in school and have a healthier self-image.

Following up literacy with reading comprehension and activities helps to encourage children to recall and analyze what he or she has read while having fun in the process. Practicing reading comprehension allows children to read with better fluency and learn more from what they read.
Other activities such as puzzles, story starters, and coloring, are great ways to recall stories and open up social interactions.

Here are some just a couple of many great early learner literacy products from Education with Imagination that combine both story and follow-up activities.

The Little Red Hen Story Bundle

The Little Red Hen Story Bundle
The Little Red Hen is a combination story, worksheets, puzzle, and props resource.

This product contains a 10 page story of The Little Red Hen along with a reading comprehension, word to object match, and writing practice work sheets. There are story props included to use during circle time or can be used to decorate room. 

For art center there is two coloring theme pages, and for puzzle center there is a file folder match.

This product is great for story themes with moral, socialization, dramatic play, comprehension, and fine motor skills.

The Wizard of Oz Rhyming Story

The Wizard of Oz Story Rhyme BundleThe Wizard of Oz Story Rhyme Bundle is a bundle that begins with my original 10 page rhyming story based off of L. Frank Baum's original written in 1900. Included at the end of story is morals to the story.

Also included is a 3 page reading comprehension worksheets with 17 multiple choice questions, file folder matching, character image match ups, and 2 coloring pages.

Monday, August 22, 2016

One Day Only Sale Today!

Hurry for some great savings during TpT's site wide One Day Only sale August 22!! My entire store is on sale and here is one of my latest products.

LIFE SKILL Fundraising Activity

Great activity to teach students how a fundraiser works and to practice their social skills, money exchange, preparing orders and order keeping.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

TpT Site Wide back to School Sale!

It's that time again! Get your class ready and enjoy some great savings with Teachers Pay Teachers back to school sale.

All stores on sale with some up to 28% off items. My entire store is 28% off everything including big bundles!

Stop by and save on August 1st and 2nd. Make sure to type in BESTYEAR at check out!

Thank you to Glitter Meets Glue for the fantastic sale image!

Friday, July 29, 2016

Functional Activities

Offering functional curriculum and activities is a great way to teach students about things that they will use daily or be a part of at some point during their life.

I am working on various products this year to help introduce life skills to students that will help them with socialization skills, math skills, job related skills, etc.

Here is my newest product that will help students to learn about fundraising and how it works. They will practice taking orders, filling orders, paying and giving change for orders, as well as keeping track of payments. Click on link to check out this and other products for your teaching needs!

Cookie Dough Fundraiser Activity

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Christmas in July Sale!

Hello Everyone!

I don't know what the weather is like where you are, but it is very much on the hot side here!

It may be hard to think about Christmas when it is right at 100 degrees, but a sure way to do that is to offer great savings on several of my popular store bundles. Christmas savings in July!!

Here are the links to each of my bundles for sale for a limited time only. 50% off!!




Stop by and enjoy savings while the sale lasts! Final sale day is July 28th!

Here are some great bundles in both my daughters stores as well!
A-Z Rhyming Story and Writing Practice Bundle
Aesop's Fables Story Bundle
A-Z Literacy Bundle
Matching Activities Bundle

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

New School Year Work Box Tasks

Good Afternoon, All!!

I have been busy with my store preparing new tasks for the coming school year.

Work box tasks are so beneficial for students with IEP goals, reinforcement for curriculum, quiet time tasks, vocational time, etc...

Hands on tasks help students as well with their fine motor skills, following direction, and socialization skills.

Here are just a couple of my newest resources to help you ready your shelves for the new school year!

Here is a great assembly task to help reinforce hygiene products and self care as well as learning a vocational skill.

Body Care Kits Assembly Task
Body Care Kits Assembly Task

United States Landmarks Flashcards and Worksheets
U.S. Landmarks Flashcards and Worksheets
Here is a preview of what the product contains

I welcome you to stop by my store and browse items for your classroom and teaching needs!

Friday, May 27, 2016

Back on Track!

Hello All!!

I have been gone for awhile and now back on track with my blog! I have had a very eventful start to the year and simply took time away for family and our move.

We are now very proud grandparents of our 1st grandchild and could not be happier. :)

I also have my daughters following in my footsteps becoming sellers of preschool and SPED related products on TpT to help supplement income.

Here are the stores and their links if you would like to check their stores out and follow for product updates:

Education with Imagination Education with Imagination


CC's Classroom Creations  CC's Classroom Creations

We all have similar styles with our previews and offer different products in each of our stores. The school year went by crazy fast but there is still summer school as well as home learning during the summer, so the products are still coming your way!

I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend and please remember our troops and their families during this time. They sacrifice so much for us.

Have a great weekend!