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Friday, August 26, 2016

Literacy and Follow-up Activities

The ability to read and write is associated with everything we do. Literacy is essential for developing a strong sense of well-being and citizenship. Children who develop strong reading skills perform better in school and have a healthier self-image.

Following up literacy with reading comprehension and activities helps to encourage children to recall and analyze what he or she has read while having fun in the process. Practicing reading comprehension allows children to read with better fluency and learn more from what they read.
Other activities such as puzzles, story starters, and coloring, are great ways to recall stories and open up social interactions.

Here are some just a couple of many great early learner literacy products from Education with Imagination that combine both story and follow-up activities.

The Little Red Hen Story Bundle

The Little Red Hen Story Bundle
The Little Red Hen is a combination story, worksheets, puzzle, and props resource.

This product contains a 10 page story of The Little Red Hen along with a reading comprehension, word to object match, and writing practice work sheets. There are story props included to use during circle time or can be used to decorate room. 

For art center there is two coloring theme pages, and for puzzle center there is a file folder match.

This product is great for story themes with moral, socialization, dramatic play, comprehension, and fine motor skills.

The Wizard of Oz Rhyming Story

The Wizard of Oz Story Rhyme BundleThe Wizard of Oz Story Rhyme Bundle is a bundle that begins with my original 10 page rhyming story based off of L. Frank Baum's original written in 1900. Included at the end of story is morals to the story.

Also included is a 3 page reading comprehension worksheets with 17 multiple choice questions, file folder matching, character image match ups, and 2 coloring pages.

Monday, August 22, 2016

One Day Only Sale Today!

Hurry for some great savings during TpT's site wide One Day Only sale August 22!! My entire store is on sale and here is one of my latest products.

LIFE SKILL Fundraising Activity

Great activity to teach students how a fundraiser works and to practice their social skills, money exchange, preparing orders and order keeping.