I have been gone for awhile and now back on track with my blog! I have had a very eventful start to the year and simply took time away for family and our move.
We are now very proud grandparents of our 1st grandchild and could not be happier. :)
I also have my daughters following in my footsteps becoming sellers of preschool and SPED related products on TpT to help supplement income.
Here are the stores and their links if you would like to check their stores out and follow for product updates:
Education with Imagination

CC's Classroom Creations

We all have similar styles with our previews and offer different products in each of our stores. The school year went by crazy fast but there is still summer school as well as home learning during the summer, so the products are still coming your way!
I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend and please remember our troops and their families during this time. They sacrifice so much for us.
Have a great weekend!